Hello Harald, others,

> >> > This is plain rubbish. See my other example with a more complicated
> >> > view source. When adjusting the view, or extracting a script - the
> >> > view source becomes complete gibberish.
> >>
> >> > MS SQL, or Firebird, for example, store the view-source as defined -
> >> > this includes comments, spacing etc etc... In short: it becomes
> >>
> >> > MySQL should do this too. From reading these lists, I think MySQL
> >> > only stores the resulting structure - or something similar - and
> >> > (currently) not the view source. To make views useful, better change
> >> > it... :-)
> >>
> >> Nope.  A standards-compliant database is _required_ to store the
> >> structure of its objects in its internal information_schema, not some
> >> SQL string.  Of course MySQL isn't standards-compliant at all, but we
> >> should not make it worse by imitating the quirks of other DBMSs.
> > I'm unsure what to make of this statement --
> > I was asking if the view-source can be stored, so that it can be
> > the way I created it. Do you agree or disagree?
> I disagree.

>A proper information_schema implementation is much more
> than a stored SQL string - it's a standardized way to access meta
> information about your DB objects.

Agreed. For a view, it might store the resulting column datatypes

>  Thus it must parse the SQL DDL
> strings and store its "meaning".  Additionally storing the SQL string
> _as entered_ would be redundancy.

Disagreed. For code, formatting has a reason. Returning some
kind of constructed DDL is not the same. Code formatting usually
is according to ones personal standards or company standards
(eg: writing keywords in upper case, like SELECT).

> SHOW CREATE VIEW could be implemented by reconstructing some standard
> representation of SQL DDL, but this would not always be exactly what
> you entered.

Disagreed - see above.

How would you like your stored procedure source code to be
returned? Stripped from comments and "newlines" or "tabs"?
Guess not.

> On the other hand, omitting superfluous backticks (double quotes in
> standard SQL) from the output sounds reasonable.

IMO, column names should be either backticked or only
backticked if they are reserved words..

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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