Thanks guys. I seem to have it working now. 'preciate it.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 11:05 AM
        To: Ferguson, Michael
        Subject: Re: ODBC connection

        The MySQL ODBC driver v3.51 acts as a pre-4.1 MySQL client. That
means it does not use the new (v4.1+) password hashing. 
         I would create a new user just for your ODBC connection.(Use a
GRANT statement with all of the correct bells and whistles for your
        GRANT SELECT on *.* to 'remoteuser'@'%' 
        Then reset the password to the OLD hashing style 
        UPDATE  mysql.user set
password=OLD_PASSWORD('plaintextpassword") where user='remoteuser'; 
        My example creates a pre-4.1 user account on your 4.1+ server
for the user 'remoteuser' with read-only rights to all databases on your
server with permission to login from anywhere. Adjust it to suit your
        One other gotcha that I had to figure out on my own... I had to
declare an initial database in my ODBC connection (DSN). Without it my
connections kept failing (sorry but I don't remember the exact message)
even when everything else was fine. 
        Shawn Green
        Database Administrator
        Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
        "Ferguson, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/12/2004
10:30:14 AM:
        > G'Day All,
        > I am going nuts trying to setup ODBC to my MySQL database.
Help Please.
        > My workstation is WinXP Pro. I downloaded the MySQL ODBC 3.51,
        > it and am trying to configure it to connect to the database on
a RedHat
        > ES box.
        > In the Add Data Source Name my DSN is "closing" Description is
        > server is "" local ip address for my server. I
enter the
        > user and password and I keep getting the failure"
        > [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user
        > 'root'@'' ( using
        > I am stuck. Help please. Thanks

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