Mark Matthews said:
> Hash: SHA1
> William R. Mussatto wrote:
>>>Tried it and now I get connection timed out after three tries.  I'm
>>> running the testbed using the tomcat buried in netbeans.  Cut and
>>> pasted the example from the on line docs.  Put the jar in the
>>> WEB-INF/lib dirctory.  Compiles fine..  I'm using the in line driver
>>> registration rather than modifying the
>>>web.xml file.
>>>Tested user on the same box with command line client using the
>>>--host=localhost and it connected fine (had run grant all for the
>>> 'username'@'localhost' earlier.  Any thoughts?
>>>Of course I've been using your old mm version with 3.23.x (to match
>>> our debian install).
>>>With 4.7.1 both the old mm connector and the current connector/J both
>>> time out.  Anythink I should check. And no. there is no local firewll
>>> installed on the box.
>> Follow up w/specific error reports:
>> SQLException: Server connection failure during transaction.
>> Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
>> SQLState: 08001
>> VendorError: 0
> What is the error message with the _new_ version of Connector/J (it
> should have more information in it, as the code that throws the
> exception you give looks like this:
> throw new SQLException(
>                     "Server connection failure during transaction. Due
> to underlying exception: '"
>                     + connectionException + "'."
>                     + (this.paranoid ? ""
>                                      : Util.stackTraceToString(
>                         connectionException)) + "\nAttempted reconnect "
>                     + this.maxReconnects + " times. Giving up.",
> )
> That 'underlying exception' bit will be important for anyone who is
> trying to figure out why you're having problems!
>       -Mark
> - --
> Mark Matthews
> MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity
> Office: +1 708 332 0507
Dropped back to server version 4.0.22 and it works (at least to the extent
of getting normal jsp errors rather than connection errors).  I'll try to
look at it later, but I've lost about a week w/4.1 connectivity issues so
I have to get what works out.
? I thought I was using the latest current stable version of connector/J.
? Do you want me to try it with the development version?


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