Hi all,

Looking for a way to automate backup I was thinking of scheduling mysqldump on 
a daily base. It want to use the read lock, but I am not really sure about the 
consequences of this.
Does putting a read lock on the files can cause loss of data?
It is no problem pausing the flow of incoming data (invoices and other 
documents that are put in a monitored directory).
But what about the data coming from the application that accesses the database? 
Say a user changes preferences or creates a new query, which are saved in the 
database. Is that data lost or buffered by MySql? Or does the application have 
to provide functionality to anticipate his situation?
I know, I could bring down the whole system (webserver, application services 
and MySql), but with the read lock, the system would be 'down' (querying still 
possible) for only half an hour and it keeps running.
The platform is Win2K.



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