At 00:27 24/04/01 +0200, Warren van der Merwe wrote:
Below the instructions that I sent some time ago, only change the
version mentioned by the new ones that you have.


Assuming that you have on hand:

- The db-3.2.9 source stuff
- The MySQL 3.23.36 source stuff
- The VC++ 6.0 compiler

01.- Unpacked the file e.g.: c:\db-3.2.9
02.- Unpacked the file e.g.: c:\3.23.36
03.- Create the directory: c:\3.23.36\lib_release
04.- Build the BDB stuff:

Run the VC++ Compiler.
Using File/Open Workspace menu, open the workspace
When prompted to convert the project for the new version,
click Yes.
Open the screen Options by selecting: Tools/Options menu.
Click the Directories tab and you add the below directories:


Now open the Set Active Project Configuration screen by
selecting the Build/Set Active Configuration menu.
Select the configuration called: db_buildall - Win32 Release Static
pressing the Ok button.
Press the F7 button to begin the compile process until see the
message: db_buildall.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s).
Close the workspace.
Copy the lib c:\db-3.2.9\build_win32\Release_static\libdb32s.lib to
the directory c:\3.23.36\lib_release.

05.- Build the MySQL Server

Open the workspace c:\3.23.36\mysql.dsw.
You need to have the Microsoft Macro Assembler compiler 5.10 already
in the environment path. That is necessary to build the Strings.asm
and the Strxmov.asm from the strings tree. Otherwise, if you don't
have the masm.exe compiler, remove these 2 files from the strings tree
and add the following files to the strings project:


Now, select the active configuration called mysqld- Win32 nt.
You can select other configuration option e.g.: mysqld.
Right click the mysqld files project and select Add Files to project.
Add the file c:\3.23.36\sql\ha_berkeley.cpp
Open the mysqld files settings screen. Click over the C/C++ tab.
Add the Preprocessor definition: HAVE_BERKELEY_DB
Now click the link tab and change the name for the output file
e.g.: ../client_release/mysqld-max-nt.exe
On the Object/Library modules, add the ..\lib_release\libdb32s.lib
Close the last screen mentioned.
Press F7 to build the MySQL Stuff and wait until see the message that
the mysqld-max-nt.exe file was copied.

3. Working with the MySQL Server

If you have already a server running, stop it and remove its service:
C:\mysql\bin>net stop mysql
The MySql service is stopping............
The MySql service was stopped successfully.

C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt --remove

Copy the mysqld-max-nt.exe to the /mysql/bin directory.

C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-max-nt --install

C:\mysql\bin>net start mysql

The MySql service was started successfully.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.23.35a

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer

mysql> use test;
Database changed
mysql> create table mybdb (id int not null primary key, idname char(50))
-> type=bdb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.77 sec)

>Hi there
>I have both the patched source for BDB and the Win32 source for MySql. So
>now the next logical step is to compile them right? So I compile them, but
>one thing is lurking in the back of my mind, how do I set the MYSQL up to
>use the BDB table type? When I try and create a table and set the type to
>BDB, it defaults to MYISAM. What am I missing. In all honesty this has been
>a huge learning curve for me, I feel like I am almost there, and just need a
>little more help.
>Anymore's assistance will be greatly appreciated
>Warren van der Merwe
>Software Director
>PRT Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a RedTie
>Cell (083) 262-9163
>Office (031) 767-0249
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