
Thanks for your suggestion.  Here's the query that seems to have fixed
the problem, without a DISTINCT clause:

select Documents.ID, 
       max(DownloadLog.AddedOn) as DownloadedOn 
from Documents, 
where Documents.ID = DocumentFiles.Document and 
      DocumentFiles.ID = DownloadLog.DocumentFile 
group by Documents.ID 
order by DownloadedOn desc 
limit 10

It seems to work perfectly.  Thanks again!

Tim Gustafson
MEI Technology Consulting, Inc
(516) 379-0001 Office
(516) 480-1870 Mobile/Emergencies
(516) 908-4185 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:08 AM
To: Frederic Wenzel
Cc: Gustafson, Tim; mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Re: Problems with "select distinct"

Frederic Wenzel wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 08:44:45 -0500, Michael Stassen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I suspect mysql is doing the DISTINCT before the ORDER BY.  One of the
>>reasons I avoid DISTINCT when possible.
> Isn't this supposed to be correct? Ordering has to take place as the
> very last operation, after any selection and projection, doesn't it?
> Regards
> Fred

In theory, or in practice?  In practice, ordering is sometimes done
ahead of 
time using an index, and DISTINCT may be optimized as a GROUP BY.  In 
theory, ORDER BY sorts the rows and DISTINCT throws out duplicates.  So
as we sort by columns included in the SELECT output, it won't make any 
difference which you do first and which last.  The problem comes when we

sort on columns not in the selected output.  Now that I've thought about
some more, I don't believe order of operations matters at all in that
because  which duplicate rows are thrown away by DISTINCT is not
You see?  Suppose, prior to DISTINCT or ORDER BY, you have these rows:

   ID Name
   10 Test 1
   10 Test 1
   11 Test 2
   10 Test 1
   11 Test 2

Which two rows should DISTINCT keep?  Even if you sort first, DISTINCT
under no obligation to choose the first rows it finds.

That DISTINCT may be optimized as a GROUP BY is instructive.  MySQL lets
do things like

   SELECT id, name, updated FROM mytable GROUP BY id, name;

but the 'updated' column is chosen more at less randomly for each group.

That is, for each group, you simply get one value of updated from an 
undetermined row which belongs to the group.  I think that's what's 
happening here.  The lesson is that you cannot use DISTINCT and then
BY an unselected column and get meaningful results.

I'm not a big fan of DISTINCT.  We get a lot of questions on the list
amount to "Here's my query, but it gives me more rows than I want.  I
to fix it by adding DISTINCT, but now I don't get the right result."
often than not, there is a better query which explicitly retrieves
the desired rows, with no need for DISTINCT.


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