There may be some helpful notes there. How are you determining which datadir mysqld is using when it's actually running? Are you logging in with mysql or mysqladmin? Make sure that if you are doing so, that you're actually logging in to each server separately, and not just looking at the variables for the same server that you've logged into twice.

At the very least, try passing --port and --datadir and any other necessary options on command line for both mysqld processes. Command line options should override all others, so if it works then, you know you have a problem with your cnf file or environment variables.


Hal Vaughan wrote:

On Thursday 17 February 2005 10:18 am, Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Hal Vaughan wrote:

I've tried this by running 2 instances of mysqld, the first with no
arguments, and the second like this:

mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql

I have to run mysqld directly -- not through safe_mysqld
(which /etc/init.d/mysql calls). If I run it through safe_mysqld, I can
run only one instance at a time, it will exit without running a new
instance if it detects one already running.

FWIW, `/etc/init.d/mysql` and `safe_mysqld` are just shell scripts.
Hence you can copy and change them easily to run multiple versions
or instances of most software...

I see that, but even when I bypass them, I can run 2 instances of mysqld, it shows up in the task list as 2 separate tasks, but they both use the data directory specified in the last instance I run.

I'm trying to get 2 different instances of mysqld running at the same time, each using a different port and different data directory.


Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream. code.

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