Title: Inserting Other Binary data into DB (NOT IMAGES)

Good afternoon all,
        I have a db (gasp!) that is holding images in a BLOB field already. I can upload and retrieve on the fly - no problems.

Now I am looking at inserting binary data such as M$Word Documents (.doc and .rtf), XML (which I have already been exposed to on this list), and PDF files. I have read somewhere that it can be done, however I have not been able to make it work with MySQL.

  -- I can make it work with Acce$$ if I use the OLE Object, but that is not my goal.
  -- I do not want to store the resulting FSO /path/to/file structure.
  -- My goal is to try to insert them into the database.

  -- MySQL 4.1.10
  -- Linux RHEL 3.2 (production)
  -- Slave on Win2k3 also running 4.1.10 (devel)
  -- MyODBC 3.51.10 on Win2k3
  -- ASP 3.0 with IIS and Apache/Sun One ASP

Any help or insight will be greatly appreciated.



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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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