I guess this is a problem with the version of the C client Libraries
that you are using, because of the way 4.1.x version of mysql stores
the hash value of the password using the PASSWORD( ) function, so when
you are giving the password embedded in the C code, may be the server
does not match it with the one stored byt it , you could try two
things i guess as per the

1) Upgrade all client programs to use the 4.1.1 or newer client library.  
Reset the user that needs a pre-4.1 client to use an old password: 
          mysql> UPDATE user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('mypass')
              -> WHERE Host = 'some_host' AND User = 'some_user';
          mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

2) Tell the server to use the older password hashing algorithm: 
Start mysqld with --old-passwords. 
Set the password for all users that has a long password. You can find
these users with:
               SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE LEN(password) > 16;

Hope this helps ....

Kishore Jalleda 

On 6/23/05, Elizabeth Bonifacio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm new into mysql and has been encountering huge problem in
> connecting to the database from the c application. The code execute
> with an error message :
> Failed to connect to database: Error:
> Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;
> consider upgrading MySQL client
> Is this a bug?
> I'm running the MySql server version 4.1 with server and client both
> on same computer running on windows XP.
> I have no problem connecting to the server using root with a windfall
> password but  I cannot connect from the c application below.
> I have only one user in the server (root,windfall) and has been
> successful in accessing mysql from the client side except when
> connecting from a c application.
> here is the application which I compile using Visual C++ compiler:
> #include "stdio.h "
> #include "winsock.h"
> #include "iostream.h "
> #include "mysql.h"
> int main()
> {
> MYSQL mysql;
> MYSQL_ROW row;
> MYSQL_RES *result;
> unsigned int num_fields;
> unsigned int i;
> int num = 0;
> int iRetValue = 0;
> mysql_init(&mysql);
> //printf("%s",&mysql );
> if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"localhost","root","windfall","mysql",3306,
> NULL,0))
> {
> fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: \n%s\n",
> mysql_error(&mysql));
> }
> else
> {
> printf("SUCCESS\n");
> iRetValue = mysql_query(&mysql, "SELECT * FROM user");
> if( iRetValue != 0 )
> {
> printf("Query Not Executed Properly.Please Check The Syntax.\n");
> }
> //here goes the error message :o)
> else
> {
> result = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
> num = mysql_field_count(&mysql);
> printf("Number Of Rows :%d\n",num );
> num_fields = mysql_num_fields( result);
> printf("Number Of Coloumns :%d\n",num_fields );
> while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
> {
> unsigned long *lengths;
> lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
> for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
> {
> printf("[%.*s] \t", (int) lengths[i], row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL");
> }
> printf("\n");
> }
> }
> }
> }
> I would appreciate if you guys can help. thanks.
> Elizabeth
> --
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