Thanks! Worked perfectly. And also thanks to the other people who responded. Being unfamiliar with how MySQL seems to handle time your responses really helped!


On Jun 27, 2005, at 1:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That would have worked if TIME values weren't converted to numbers by packing their components together. (This is one of my very few peeves with MySQL. Packing works well for sorting but not at all for date math). To get good date math working, you need to use the FROM_UNIXTIME() and UNIX_TIMESTAMP() functions to convert your time differences into and out of actual numeric values (ones that are SUM ()-able).

You could also use time_to_sec() and sec_to_time() to do the same down-conversion/restoration. (Any pair of functions that convert the a time into some kind of numeric value and back will work but these come to mind first.)

Try this:
SELECT ctype
        , count(tsid)
        , sum(amount)
        , sum(amount_collected)
        , sum(camount)
        , sum(commision)
, FROM_UNIXTIME(sum(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(subtime (time_out,dispatch_time)))) as time
FROM time_sheet
WHERE tdate='2005-06-22'
GROUP BY ctype;

-- or --
SELECT ctype
        , count(tsid)
        , sum(amount)
        , sum(amount_collected)
        , sum(camount)
        , sum(commision)
, SEC_TO_TIME(sum(TIME_TO_SEC(subtime (time_out,dispatch_time)))) as time
FROM time_sheet
WHERE tdate='2005-06-22'
GROUP BY ctype;

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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