Sérgio Júnior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/24/2005 05:43:33 

> Hello,
> I’ve never worked with mysql db’s and I would like to start a new 
Project at
> work creating a new mysql db. I start read but I got lost so many times 
> I am seeking guidance help, someon to tell me first start with this and
> after do that. Is anyone available to give some guidance at that level? 
> starting point and a following line of learning.
> Sérgio Júnior
What is your native language? What languages are you comfortable with? 
There are tutorials and quick start guides available in nearly every major 
language group. We just need to know where to send you for a bit of basic 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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