<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/30/2005 10:09:27 AM:

> Hi,
>        Please advise us whether mysql/myodbc
> - handles different queries/write from different threads within the same
> connection or not?
> - handles different queries (or batch fetches) from multi-connections or
> not?
> Thanks,
> Narasimha

Please consider this a friendly warning.....

This is not a "help desk". This is a community-supported mailing list. We 
all have our regular jobs to do. Sometimes it takes DAYS for a good 
response. You happen to be lucky enough that I was ALREADY working on a 
response to the FIRST time you posted this and that I did not see this 
repeat before I sent my response.

NEXT TIME... I will sit on my response for an entire week before if I see 
one more "ASAP" or repeated message show up from you. I am sure there are 
others as frustrated with your lack of consideration as I am. There is 
nothing time-critical about this list or how we respond to it. If you need 
time-critical consultation, buy some. Otherwise, please be thankful that 
so many experts contribute to this list freely and as their time alows. 
There may be as many as 5 people actually paid to respond to this list, 
tops. Everyone else does it just to be helpful.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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