It did change between MySQL 3.2 and 4.1. You need the old-passwords configuration directive, it is in the MySQL manual at

Thank you. I believe the old-passwords configuration has already been set by my web host.

You can't decrypt the password fields. That's the point of *one-way* hashes of the type that PASSWORD() and MD5() use.

I suspected something like this was the case, which was why I wanted to double check here first. Thank you for confirming.

You need to either get all your users to reset their passwords, or continue to use the old password hashing algorithm until they do.

I believe I will need to use the new password hashing algorithm, because using the old one would require me to reconfigure the PHP code for the forum, which would be a level of complexity beyond my capabilities.

So I now understand that I can not decrypt the passwords into any kind of plain text and then re-encrypt them. And I also understand that the most likely course of action from this point will be to get the users to update their passwords. However, just to double check and be 100% sure. Is there no way to convert directly from one password field to the other? Something where I, the administrator, can never see the plain text version of the password?


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