Hi all,
I'll give you a little background so that my question is put into context.  
I've already posted this question to my local programmers message group and 
they said to post it here.  So, here it goes:

I have a phone order system that I wrote in PHP.  It has a series of pages 
starting with a customer select and edit screen.  After the billing and 
shipping information is verified and modified, the employee continues through 
the shopping process until the final checkout page where the order is stored.  

One of the employees contacted me and said that she was placing a new order, 
found an existing customer, modified the shipping address on that first page 
and then entered the rest of the order.  The order does not reflect the change 
in shipping address, BUT looking at the account now shows the correctly changed 
shipping address.  She says that she did not go back after the order was 
entered to change the account.

So now my question... is it possible that MySQL didn't execute that first 
UPDATE query on that first page until after the rest of the process completed?  

-  The customer page is a basic form that posts the information to itself with 
a simple UPDATE command and then goes to the next page.  

-  Every page has UPDATEs, INSERTs, or DELETE commands so I'm wondering whether 
the commands are queued and that first update was delayed for some reason?  

-  There are no session variables, or hidden form fields, that would cause a 
problem with hitting BACK or whatnot in the process.  

-  I did notice that the website was very sluggish during that time and even 
unresponsive.  Would that affect the order of query execution?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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