Douglass, thanks for the tips!

As far as Mambo or Xoops - I wanted to create something a little different - 
but I WAS thinking of using Smarty before-hand... I just wasn't sure how I 
could really use it? I'm familiar with Smarty as far as I've played around 
with it a little... but I guess I wasn't sure how I could use it in this 
situation... are you saying that I should have Smarty hold the design - and 
use MySQL to populate the "Virtual Sites" with the Content stored in the DB? 

It sounds like a great Idea and would probably be much more Resource 
friendly! This is why I asked for more info and gave more info - hoping NOT 
to get someone to code anything - but to give me Ideas on what would work 
the best. :)

Thanks alot for the info Douglass! I'm going to search the web for more 
Tutorials on Smarty - hopefully I find something related to this! It'd 
probably make my life much easier if what I think you're saying is what 
you're actually saying lol

> clint lenard wrote:
> Hi guys, I'm fairly new to MySQL and I've searched for about a week looking 
> for an answer to this...
> I'm trying to design a Database that would hold HTML sites in the DB itself 
> and use PHP to call for the HTML file - which would be populated with 
> Content from another table in MySQL. I was told I could put HTML into 
> MySQL... so my main question would be: "is this possible?", "is this a BAD 
> thing?" but most of all... would this be resource intensive?
> Thanks for any answers! I hope I'm using this list correctly - I did search 
> Google and I've been reading an MySQL Manual for over a week now trying to 
> get it down 110%!
> Thanks,
> Clint
> If you would like, you may check out these related technologies that do 
> what you are talking about already:
> <>
> <>
> Also, if you use templates, it makes it easy to just keep the relevant 
> parts of the page, and then display them inside of a predefined template. 
> That way, you can change the template whenever you want, and all your pages 
> will change. If you store the part of the HTML that formats the text (color, 
> style etc) in the DB, this isn't possible.
> <>
> wasn't sure if you could use any of these, but, here's the info. 
> -- 

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