I'm not that good when it comes to collations but latin1_swedish_ci is
normally the default collation for a MySQL installation. Have you
checked via "SHOW VARIABLES" that you don't have latin1_swedish_ci
lurking somewhere. My hunch here is that your ' ' in the CONCAT_WS
defaults to latin1_swedish_ci.

Hope this helps,

Dave wrote:

I think your problem is that you're trying to call one of your columns MD5(passwd)

Thank you for pointing that out. I had the function in the wrong part of the statement. Actually, I've realized I'm probably best off to leave the passwords alone for now, and go ahead and copy the rest of the data.

However, I've encountered a new error which comes out of nowhwere.

This is my query:

INSERT INTO forum_members( dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, websiteUrl ) SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' ', firstname, lastname ) , id, username, email, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, website)
FROM members
WHERE id >0

And this is the error returned:
#1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat_ws'

So far as I know, I've attempted at every possible place to make all fields, tables, and settings in my database to be utf-8. I have double checked the source fields and table, and the destination fields and table, and in all cases the collation is marked as being "utf8_general_ci".

Where could this "latin1_swedish_ci" collation be coming from?


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