(Topic moved from "Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another")

MySQL General List,

  Server specifications:
  MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8
  My specifications:
  MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.

  The situation:
While trying to copy data over from one table to another, I have encountered the following error:
#1241 - Operand should contain 1 column(s)

   The query that I used which led to this error was this:
INSERT INTO forum_members( dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, websiteUrl ) SELECT ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' ', firstname, lastname ) , id, username, email, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, website )
FROM members

  The Questions:
What do I need to do to my query to remove this error and successfully copy the data from one table to another.

   What I've done so far:
Of course I looked on Google for explanations of this error. One web page I looked at said:
"This error will occur in cases like this:
SELECT (SELECT column1, column2 FROM t2) FROM t1;"
   But I am not running a SELECT within a SELECT.
Other web sites all seemed to indicate this was an issue of nesting queries within each other, particularly SELECT within SELECT. But my query seems more straight forward than that, so I'm not sure if that advice applies.

  Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.


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