You should be able to do the conversion when you run the cron script. Or at
least just before. Preprocess the output from syslog-ng to translate all .
to _. in the table names.


On 10/3/05, Chance Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So more information about the project...
> I am working on a syslog-ng project to input syslog messages into mysql.
> The syslog-ng.conf file is the only way to tell syslog-ng where to put
> data.
> You can perform filtering based on predefined syslog-ng macros such as
> $HOST, $DATE $TIME etc... however within this .conf file I am not able to
> create functions and to a replace($host,".","_").
> The reason I am creating a table for each individual host or IP address is
> because of the amount of data and trying to minimize search time. These
> tables will hold millions of records each and to limit the search time,
> the
> application picks the table for the device and performs the search.
> For those who are ready to respond with their own input on how syslog-ng
> should be configured, I will add that syslog-ng is using file
> destinations.
> It is using file destinations over program or pipe destinations for
> performance reasons... Thus, syslog-ng creates a file that contains a
> bunch
> of CREATE TABLE entries. I then import those files with a cron script into
> mysql. This is where I am looking to convert IP address into something
> without periods. I cannot perform logic within the .conf file and it
> appears
> MySQL will not accept periods.
> Please let me know if any more info is needed.
> Thanks!
> On 10/3/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Replies embedded:
> >
> > "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/03/2005 03:43:20 PM:
> >
> > > There are many ways to approach this. How are you receiving the IP
> > > data? Are you reading a file or other stream or are you trying to
> > > process the table creation by reading a column from a previously
> > > populated table through a select statement?
> > >
> > > The functions, inet_ntoa() and inet_addr(), are part of most
> > > networking libraries. These are the common functions to convert
> > > dotted quad notation. If you wanted to write you own function, an
> > > IPv4 address is broken down as follows:
> > >
> > > \ \ \ \
> > > \ \ \ DDD
> > > \ \ CCC x CCC
> > > \ BBB x BBB x BBB
> > > AAA x AAA x AAA x AAA
> >
> > I am not sure of your algorithm. Perhaps I am just not understanding
> your
> > notation.
> >
> > >
> > > Add the results and you have your unique 32bit number.
> > >
> > > eg. <> <> = 10,000 +
> 1,000 + 100 + 1
> > > = 11,101
> > >
> > Let me try a different number(one a little less friendly to base10):
> >
> > the address <> <>:
> > 4^4 + 4^3 + 4^2 + 4 = 256 + 64 + 16 + 4 = 340
> >
> > Which would be the same as: <> <>
> = 340
> > your method does not seem to generate unique numbers for each IP
> > address....
> >
> > Maybe I just don't get your description.
> >
> >
> > Mathematically speaking: The base10 representation of the 32-bit number
> > that <> <> corresponds to
> would be:
> > (2 * 256*256*256) + (30 * 256*256) + (40 * 256) + 10 = 35530762
> >
> > Which is the same thing we get from
> >
> > mysql>select inet_aton(' <> <
> > +-------------------------+
> > | inet_aton(' <> <>') |
> > +-------------------------+
> > | 35530762 |
> > +-------------------------+
> > 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
> >
> > as was mentioned earlier...
> >
> > >
> > > If you are not able to pre-process (scrub) the incoming data
> > > programmatically, you would need to create a UDF in MySQL to perform
> > > the conversion, or, alternatively, if you want to use MySQL SELECT
> > > statement as-is could replace the 'period' with an 'underscore'
> > > using MySQL's built-in string functions like so:
> > >
> > > Assumptions: Reading IP address from an existing table named
> > > IP_Addresses with a column named ip_address and a column named status.
> > >
> > > SELECT "CREATE TABLE ",REPLACE(ip_address,'.','_'), " [insert
> > > create options here]" FROM IP_Addresses WHERE status ="ACTIVE"
> >
> > Dynamic SQL? Not with that statement. He is going to need to create his
> > SQL statement client-side and send it pre-formatted to the server. MySQL
> > 5.0 has the beginnings of dynamic SQL and I am not 100% sure it would
> > accept what you typed.
> >
> > >
> > > You would obviously add your "CREATE TABLE" options and "INTO
> > > OUTFILE" options as needed.
> > > This would be an alternative to converting IPv4 to 32bit Integer.
> > >
> > > I hope this helps...
> > >
> > > If at all possible, it is probably best to continue in the MySQL
> > > list, there are some pretty clever people out there
> > >
> > > Pat...
> > >
> > > CocoNet Corporation
> > > SW Florida's First ISP
> > > 825 SE 47th Terrace
> > > Cape Coral, FL 33904
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Chance Ellis
> > > To: Patrick
> > > Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 2:22 PM
> > > Subject: Re: Table names with periods
> > >
> > >
> > > Patrick,
> > >
> > > I have been trying to figure out how I can convert an IP address
> > > to a 32bit integer within a SQL create statement.
> >
> > You are mixing purposes. MySQL has a CREATE TABLE statement but it
> > requires a string literal. You cannot build a CREATE TABLE statement on
> the
> > fly -inside- MySQL. You have to build your statement client-side and
> send it
> > (as a complete statemnt) to MySQL to process.
> >
> > MySQL has a function that converts IP addresses into numbers (see above)
> > but you cannot combine that with a CREATE TABLE statement.
> >
> > >
> > > Is this possible or am I thinking about this all wrong? The input
> >
> > Yes, I think you are all wrong. You are being too "literal" in your
> design
> > choices. Generally if your data storage design requires you to add
> tables
> > whenever you add a new "whatever", that is a bad design. The better
> thing to
> > do is to create one table that can hold the entire class of "whatevers"
> and
> > differentiate between them with data markers. I assume that each of
> these
> > IP-named tables would look identical to every other (same column names,
> same
> > column types, ...)? The preferred method of modelling this is to create
> one
> > table (that looks just like each IP table was going to look) and adding
> a
> > column to it for the IP address. I know I am not the first person to
> > recommend this design (I can think of at least two others that have also
> > tried).
> >
> > Just so that we aren't all telling you to possibly do the wrong thing:
> Why
> > do you feel that individual IP tables is a correct DATABASE design? It
> may
> > be an acceptable PROGRAMMING design (one IP list object per address) but
> > this is probably one of those points where good DB design and good OO
> design
> > diverge.
> >
> > > I am given is a straight IP address. I have no way of modifying it
> > > other than some option in the SQL create statement is possible. I
> > > want to create a new table for each IP address. Without getting too
> > > much into the details, these are my requirements and I have been
> > > wasting alot of time trying to figure out how to change this string
> > > in the create statement.
> > >
> > The reason it has been so hard to do what you wanted to do is because
> what
> > you wanted to do is hard to maintain. Either trust us on our design
> > recommendation or tell us more about your problem. Depending on what you
> > tell us, perhaps neither design is appropriate. Please, and this goes
> for
> > others reading this later, never be afraid of getting into "too many
> > details". The details make all of the difference!! The better you can
> > describe your situation, the more likely you are to get a useful
> response.
> >
> > <remainder snipped>
> >
> > Kindest regards,
> > Shawn Green
> > Database Administrator
> > Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
> >

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