Master and slaves are both Mysql 4.1.14 standard. There are six slaves,
and this error kept happening on #2 and #4, but then it stopped. I
thought it was all gone for good but today it happened on #3.
The symptom is: Replication stops with the following error:
Error 'Can't find file: './gspot/product.frm' (errno: 24)' on query.
Default database: 'gspot'. Query: 'UPDATE product SET rdate='2006-06-30'
WHERE id=928302 LIMIT 1'
The actual file and query change from occurence to occurence. In all
cases, the file is actually present on the disk. Logging in to the
slave and executing SLAVE START causes replication to resume normally.
Here's the full output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS:
Slave_IO_State = Waiting for master to send event
Master_Host =
Master_User = replica
Master_Port = 3306
Connect_Retry = 60
Master_Log_File = c10-gs-stage1-bin.000001
Read_Master_Log_Pos = 218146109
Relay_Log_File = c17-gs-db-slave3-relay-bin.000002
Relay_Log_Pos = 217866316
Relay_Master_Log_File = c10-gs-stage1-bin.000001
Slave_IO_Running = Yes
Slave_SQL_Running = No
Replicate_Do_DB = gspot,gfaqs
Replicate_Ignore_DB =
Replicate_Do_Table =
Replicate_Ignore_Table =
Replicate_Wild_Do_Table =
Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table =
Last_Errno = 1017
Last_Error = Error 'Can't find file: './gspot/product.frm' (errno: 24)'
on query. Default database: 'gspot'. Query: 'UPDATE product SET
rdate='2006-06-30' WHERE id=928302 LIMIT 1'
Skip_Counter = 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos = 217866265
Relay_Log_Space = 218146160
Until_Condition = None
Until_Log_File =
Until_Log_Pos = 0
Master_SSL_Allowed = No
Master_SSL_CA_File =
Master_SSL_CA_Path =
Master_SSL_Cert =
Master_SSL_Cipher =
Master_SSL_Key =
Seconds_Behind_Master =
I could just add error 1017 to the ignore list, I guess, but this gives
me the heebie jeebies. Any ideas?
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