Hi all,

In the past, I worked as a Oracle user. I've noted that in oracle (or maybe
in that configuration), when we request a great amount of data, such like:

select * from million_records_table

It does not delivers the entire table at the first moment. It delivers a
little amount of data - such like a single page containing about 100
records - and awaits the cursor request the Record No 101 for fetch the next
set of data.

In MySQL - at least, with the default configuration I have used - it does
not happens. It delivers all the million of records existent in the table,
inconditionally. I know that there is the clause LIMIT <N>, to limit the
first N records existing in the query, but is there a way to warrant a
"delivery by demand", such Oracle does, without to have to alter the
application's SQL code?

Thank you

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