Hi Gobi,
there was a similar posting in august.
which I think describes what you want.
I'll include a bit of it here as well

This is out of the MySQL class and is called the Max-Concat trick.
What is the biggest country in each continent?
"The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field"

MySQL> Select Continent,
    ->  SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),11) AS
    ->     0+LEFT(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),10) AS
    -> From Country
    -> Group By Continent
    -> Order By Population DESC;


Gobi wrote:
Gobi wrote:

Arno Coetzee wrote:

Gobi wrote:

Not sure if this is the right place to ask. I have a table, Weight, with the following test data:

idx  VBS_ID   Date            Weight
1    111111    10/3/2005    11.5
2    111111    9/5/2004      10
3    111111    10/7/2005    11.51
4    111111    10/8/2005    11.52
5    111112    10/8/2005    10.5
6    111112    10/1/2005    10.3
7    111112    9/28/2005    10

What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each unique VBS_ID. So, in this case, I want a result of:

111111, 10/8/2005, 11.52
111112, 10/8/2005, 10.5

Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.

select VBS_ID , max(Date)
from weight

Actually, I tried that. For one thing, using max() also requires a GROUP BY clause. Otherwise, mysql complains. So I am forced to run the following statement:

Select VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

And it returns:

VBS_ID    max(Date)    weight
111111    10/8/2005    11.5
111112    10/8/2005    10.5

At first, I thought I had it right but when I look more closely, the weights are incorrect. The weight for 111111 on 10/8/2005 should be 11.52. It looks look it is just returning the weight for 10/3/2005.

As a further note on my above post, I added "idx" to my query:

Select idx, VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

and it returned:

idx    VBS_ID    max(Date)    weight
1      111111    10/8/2005    11.5
5      111112    10/8/2005    10.5

So actually, it is returning the wrong rows.

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