At 10:49 +0100 11/8/05, Jigal van Hemert wrote:
Lindsey wrote:
ok thanks, then i know!

but do you know how to use the * in regexp searches. err what i mean if i want to search for * and not use it as asterix?
i have tried \* but that did't work, it just does the same as *.

The manual comes again to the rescue ;-)

Appendix G [1] tells us:

" To use a literal instance of a special character in a regular expression, precede it by two backslash (\) characters. The MySQL parser interprets one of the backslashes, and the regular expression library interprets the other. "



Um, no. :-)

In this case, * is to be used as a special character, you don't want
to match it literally.

Also, * means "any number of the previous thing," not "any number of anything."
The pattern you're looking for is .* (. = match any character, .* = match
any number of any character).

Also, if S must be at the beginning and Y at the end, you need to
use ^ and $ to anchor the beginning and end of the match. So
the pattern you want is '^S.*Y$'.

mysql> select 'SAMSUNG' regexp '^S.*Y$';
| 'SAMSUNG' regexp '^S.*Y$' |
|                         0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 'SIEMENS' regexp '^S.*Y$';
| 'SIEMENS' regexp '^S.*Y$' |
|                         0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 'SONY' regexp '^S.*Y$';
| 'SONY' regexp '^S.*Y$' |
|                      1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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