

I'm really desperate on this on.

After struggling with some really weird bugs I finally finished my project.


Buuuuuuuuuuttttt I can't perform a good backup and restore.


I'm using  :

MySql 5.0.16-nt (essentials version)

Windows xp

The DB contains tables, vw's and sp's.

It is a very small one and at the moment I don't have any data inside.

The whole backup file size is 100Kb.


1.      I backed up my db using mysql administrator.
It created a back up file with all tables, views and sp's, but when I tried
a restore it got errors like.
"Could not handle this statement etc.

2.      I tried : mysqldump -uroot -pmypassword dbname > backup.sql
And then mysqldump -uroot -pmypassword newDbName < backup.sql
I didn't get any error.
The shell printed to the screen the backup file completely only without the
table script part.

It Created a backup file only for the tables (why ? a minute ago I did the
backup with the same tool).
But after restoring, the new db was still empty.

3.      I tried to restore with mysql > -uroot -pmypassword newDbName <
But I got the same results.



It should be a very simple and basic issue.
Why everything is so hard with mysql ?

Is there any really good and quick forum for mySql ? I posted some new
thread in mysql.com at the past few days but never got answered.


Is it just me or that's the life on the mysql planet ?

I now try this mailing-list. I hope you can help me.


Thanks in advance




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