Well Shawn, 


First of thanks for the quick result.


I tried your suggestion but it didn't help no sp and no restore.


It only shrinked the backup file (by deleting the cr).


Is there any log file where I can trace that kind of erros ?







Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:07 PM
To: Barak Mery
Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Re: urgent : PLEASE HELP - problems with back up and restore


"Barak Mery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/23/2005 01:51:37 PM:

> Hi,
> I'm really desperate on this on.
> After struggling with some really weird bugs I finally finished my
> Buuuuuuuuuuttttt I can't perform a good backup and restore.
> I'm using  :
> MySql 5.0.16-nt (essentials version)
> Windows xp
> The DB contains tables, vw's and sp's.
> It is a very small one and at the moment I don't have any data inside.
> The whole backup file size is 100Kb.
> 1.   I backed up my db using mysql administrator.
> It created a back up file with all tables, views and sp's, but when I
> a restore it got errors like.
> "Could not handle this statement etc.
> 2.   I tried : mysqldump -uroot -pmypassword dbname > backup.sql
> And then mysqldump -uroot -pmypassword newDbName < backup.sql
> I didn't get any error.
> The shell printed to the screen the backup file completely only without
> table script part.
> It Created a backup file only for the tables (why ? a minute ago I did the
> backup with the same tool).
> But after restoring, the new db was still empty.
> 3.   I tried to restore with mysql > -uroot -pmypassword newDbName <
> backup.sql
> But I got the same results.
> It should be a very simple and basic issue.
> Why everything is so hard with mysql ?
> Is there any really good and quick forum for mySql ? I posted some new
> thread in mysql.com at the past few days but never got answered.
> Is it just me or that's the life on the mysql planet ?
> I now try this mailing-list. I hope you can help me.
> Thanks in advance
> Barak

You are in luck as the mailing list is quite active. 

Look at your actual dump file. It is simply a SQL script that will create
all of the "elements" of the database and populate them with data (if you
had any). My suspicion is that you have something that isn't quoted that
needed to be. 

mysqldump has several options. You can see them with the command: 

mysqldump --help 

-or- refer to the manual 


try dumping your database again, this time use the -r= and -Q options. That
does two things: 

a) it avoids adding CR characters at the end of every line 
b) it puts backticks around EVERYTHING that needs them (table names, column
names, etc) 

mysqldump -uroot -pmypassword -r backup.sql -Q dbname 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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