I have a table of hockey players with goals and penalty minutes in a MySQL database. I 
want to display a list of players in the roster (using the table 'players') along
with a count of all goals and penalties for each player.  However, I seem to be 
getting an error in my results, and I can't figure this out.  I have a sample setup of 
structure as well as the SQL statement I used to count goals and penalties.

Players: (I have two sample players)
Playerid name
-------- -------
1        John
2        Dave

Goals: (John scores 2 goals while Dave scores 1)
Goalid Playerid
------ --------
1      1
2      1
3      2

Penalties: (John and Dave take 1 penalty each)
penaltyid playerid
--------- --------
1         1
2         2


  count(goals.goalid) AS goals,
  count(penalties.penaltyid) AS penalties
FROM players
  LEFT JOIN goals ON (players.playerid=goals.playerid)
  LEFT JOIN penalties ON (players.playerid=penalties.playerid)
GROUP BY players.playerid;

it gives me the following results:

| playerid | name | goals | penalties |
|        1 | John |     2 |         2 |
|        2 | Dave |     1 |         1 |

Notice that John has TWO PENALTIES counted, instead of the ONE that he
should be having.  Why is this happening?
I removed the counting and instead just listed out the records with the
following SQL modification:

FROM players
  LEFT JOIN goals ON (players.playerid=goals.playerid)
  LEFT JOIN penalties ON (players.playerid=penalties.playerid);

results in:

| playerid | name | goalid | penaltyid |
|        1 | John |      1 |         1 |
|        1 | John |      2 |         1 |
|        2 | Dave |      3 |         2 |

Notice that john's single penalty is counted twice.  What's wrong with my joining 
I'd appreciate any help in this, please respond in the list, not through email.


MySQL/SQL insert statements used (if you wanted to test this out quickly in MySQL):

mysqladmin create test
mysql test

drop table if exists players;
drop table if exists goals;
drop table if exists penalties;
create table players (playerid int(3) not null auto_increment, name
varchar(30), primary key (playerid));
create table goals (goalid int(3) not null auto_increment, playerid int(3)
not null, primary key (goalid,playerid));
create table penalties (penaltyid int(3) not null auto_increment, playerid
int(3) not null, primary key (penaltyid,playerid));
insert into players values (1,'John'),(2,'Dave');
insert into goals values (1,1),(2,1),(3,2);
insert into penalties values (1,1), (2,2);

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