MySQL hangs every 30 minutes, it start to make a big process and when I make a 
show variables I get that values:

| Variable_name                   | Value                       |
| back_log                        | 50                          |
| basedir                         | /usr/                       |
| binlog_cache_size               | 32768                       |
| bulk_insert_buffer_size         | 8388608                     |
| character_set_client            | latin1                      |
| character_set_connection        | latin1                      |
| character_set_database          | latin1                      |
| character_set_results           | latin1                      |
| character_set_server            | latin1                      |
| character_set_system            | utf8                        |
| character_sets_dir              | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/  |
| collation_connection            | latin1_swedish_ci           |
| collation_database              | latin1_swedish_ci           |
| collation_server                | latin1_swedish_ci           |
| concurrent_insert               | ON                          |
| connect_timeout                 | 10                          |
| datadir                         | /var/lib/mysql/             |
| date_format                     | %Y-%m-%d                    |
| datetime_format                 | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s           |
| default_week_format             | 0                           |
| delay_key_write                 | ON                          |
| delayed_insert_limit            | 100                         |
| delayed_insert_timeout          | 300                         |
| delayed_queue_size              | 1000                        |
| expire_logs_days                | 0                           |
| flush                           | OFF                         |
| flush_time                      | 0                           |
| ft_boolean_syntax               | + -><()~*:""&|              |
| ft_max_word_len                 | 84                          |
| ft_min_word_len                 | 4                           |
| ft_query_expansion_limit        | 20                          |
| ft_stopword_file                | (built-in)                  |
| group_concat_max_len            | 1024                        |
| have_archive                    | YES                         |
| have_bdb                        | NO                          |
| have_compress                   | YES                         |
| have_crypt                      | YES                         |
| have_csv                        | YES                         |
| have_example_engine             | NO                          |
| have_geometry                   | YES                         |
| have_innodb                     | YES                         |
| have_isam                       | YES                         |
| have_ndbcluster                 | DISABLED                    |
| have_openssl                    | NO                          |
| have_query_cache                | YES                         |
| have_raid                       | YES                         |
| have_rtree_keys                 | YES                         |
| have_symlink                    | YES                         |
| init_connect                    |                             |
| init_file                       |                             |
| init_slave                      |                             |
| innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 1048576                     |
| innodb_autoextend_increment     | 8                           |
| innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0                           |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size         | 8388608                     |
| innodb_data_file_path           | ibdata1:10M:autoextend      |
| innodb_data_home_dir            |                             |
| innodb_fast_shutdown            | ON                          |
| innodb_file_io_threads          | 4                           |
| innodb_file_per_table           | OFF                         |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1                           |
| innodb_flush_method             |                             |
| innodb_force_recovery           | 0                           |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout        | 50                          |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog  | OFF                         |
| innodb_log_arch_dir             |                             |
| innodb_log_archive              | OFF                         |
| innodb_log_buffer_size          | 1048576                     |
| innodb_log_file_size            | 5242880                     |
| innodb_log_files_in_group       | 2                           |
| innodb_log_group_home_dir       | ./                          |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct      | 90                          |
| innodb_max_purge_lag            | 0                           |
| innodb_mirrored_log_groups      | 1                           |
| innodb_open_files               | 300                         |
| innodb_table_locks              | ON                          |
| innodb_thread_concurrency       | 8                           |
| interactive_timeout             | 28800                       |
| join_buffer_size                | 2093056                     |
| key_buffer_size                 | 134217728                   |
| key_cache_age_threshold         | 300                         |
| key_cache_block_size            | 1024                        |
| key_cache_division_limit        | 100                         |
| language                        | /usr/share/mysql/spanish/   |
| large_files_support             | ON                          |
| license                         | GPL                         |
| local_infile                    | ON                          |
| locked_in_memory                | OFF                         |
| log                             | OFF                         |
| log_bin                         | OFF                         |
| log_error                       |                             |
| log_slave_updates               | OFF                         |
| log_slow_queries                | OFF                         |
| log_update                      | OFF                         |
| log_warnings                    | 1                           |
| long_query_time                 | 10                          |
| low_priority_updates            | OFF                         |
| lower_case_file_system          | OFF                         |
| lower_case_table_names          | 0                           |
| max_allowed_packet              | 67107840                    |
| max_binlog_cache_size           | 18446744073709551615        |
| max_binlog_size                 | 104857600                   |
| max_connect_errors              | 10                          |
| max_connections                 | 1000                        |
| max_delayed_threads             | 20                          |
| max_error_count                 | 64                          |
| max_heap_table_size             | 16777216                    |
| max_insert_delayed_threads      | 20                          |
| max_join_size                   | 18446744073709551615        |
| max_length_for_sort_data        | 1024                        |
| max_relay_log_size              | 0                           |
| max_seeks_for_key               | 18446744073709551615        |
| max_sort_length                 | 1024                        |
| max_tmp_tables                  | 32                          |
| max_user_connections            | 0                           |
| max_write_lock_count            | 18446744073709551615        |
| myisam_data_pointer_size        | 4                           |
| myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size | 2147483648                  |
| myisam_max_sort_file_size       | 9223372036854775807         |
| myisam_recover_options          | OFF                         |
| myisam_repair_threads           | 1                           |
| myisam_sort_buffer_size         | 67108864                    |
| ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz   | 32                          |
| ndb_force_send                  | ON                          |
| ndb_use_exact_count             | ON                          |
| ndb_use_transactions            | ON                          |
| net_buffer_length               | 16384                       |
| net_read_timeout                | 30                          |
| net_retry_count                 | 10                          |
| net_write_timeout               | 60                          |
| new                             | OFF                         |
| old_passwords                   | ON                          |
| open_files_limit                | 5010                        |
| pid_file                        | /var/run/mysqld/  |
| port                            | 3306                        |
| preload_buffer_size             | 32768                       |
| protocol_version                | 10                          |
| query_alloc_block_size          | 16384                       |
| query_cache_limit               | 2097152                     |
| query_cache_min_res_unit        | 4096                        |
| query_cache_size                | 134217728                   |
| query_cache_type                | ON                          |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate    | OFF                         |
| query_prealloc_size             | 16384                       |
| range_alloc_block_size          | 2048                        |
| read_buffer_size                | 2093056                     |
| read_only                       | OFF                         |
| read_rnd_buffer_size            | 520192                      |
| relay_log_purge                 | ON                          |
| rpl_recovery_rank               | 0                           |
| secure_auth                     | OFF                         |
| server_id                       | 0                           |
| skip_external_locking           | ON                          |
| skip_networking                 | OFF                         |
| skip_show_database              | OFF                         |
| slave_net_timeout               | 3600                        |
| slow_launch_time                | 2                           |
| socket                          | /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock |
| sort_buffer_size                | 4194296                     |
| sql_mode                        |                             |
| storage_engine                  | MyISAM                      |
| sync_binlog                     | 0                           |
| sync_replication                | 0                           |
| sync_replication_slave_id       | 0                           |
| sync_replication_timeout        | 0                           |
| sync_frm                        | ON                          |
| system_time_zone                | CET                         |
| table_cache                     | 1800                        |
| table_type                      | MyISAM                      |
| thread_cache_size               | 384                         |
| thread_stack                    | 196608                      |
| time_format                     | %H:%i:%s                    |
| time_zone                       | SYSTEM                      |
| tmp_table_size                  | 268435456                   |
| tmpdir                          | /tmp                        |
| transaction_alloc_block_size    | 8192                        |
| transaction_prealloc_size       | 4096                        |
| tx_isolation                    | REPEATABLE-READ             |
| version                         | 4.1.10a-Debian_2ubuntu0.1   |
| version_comment                 | Source distribution         |
| version_compile_machine         | x86_64                      |
| version_compile_os              | pc-linux-gnu                |
| wait_timeout                    | 28800                       |
183 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And that is my my.cnf

socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
nice            = 0
open_files_limit = 8192

user            = mysql
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port            = 3306
# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
# Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.
#log            = /var/log/mysql.log
#log            = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
# Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)
basedir         = /usr
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir          = /tmp
language        = /usr/share/mysql/spanish
# For compatibility to other Debian packages that still use
# libmysqlclient10 and libmysqlclient12.
old_passwords   = 1
# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
# bind-address          =
max_connections = 1000
key_buffer = 128M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
join_buffer_size = 2M
read_buffer_size = 2M
sort_buffer_size = 4M
table_cache = 1800
thread_cache_size = 384
wait_timeout = 900
connect_timeout = 10
tmp_table_size = 256M
max_allowed_packet = 64M
max_connect_errors = 10
read_rnd_buffer_size = 524288
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 8M
thread_concurrency = 4
query_cache_limit = 2M
query_cache_size = 128M
query_cache_type = 1
query_prealloc_size = 16384
query_alloc_block_size = 16384
# Here you can see queries with especially long duration
#log-slow-queries       = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
# The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for replication.
#server-id              = 1
#log-bin                        = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
# See /etc/mysql/debian-log-rotate.conf for the number of files kept.
max_binlog_size         = 104857600
#binlog-do-db           = include_database_name
#binlog-ignore-db       = include_database_name
# InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.
# Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!
# Read the manual, too, if you want chroot!
# chroot = /var/lib/mysql/
# If you want to enable SSL support (recommended) read the manual or my
# HOWTO in /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/SSL-MINI-HOWTO.txt.gz
# ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/cacert.pem
# ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem
# ssl-key=/etc/mysql/server-key.pem

max_allowed_packet      = 16M

#no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completition
key_buffer = 64M
sort_buffer = 64M
read_buffer = 16M
write_buffer = 16M
key_buffer              = 16M

What should be the problem??

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