Hi Bill, (answers intermixed....)

"Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/18/2005 07:33:52 PM:

> Hi Shawn,
> *                /-----\   /-----\
> *               /       \ /       \
> *              /         X         \
> *             /         / \         \
> *            /         /   \         \
> *            |    A    | B |   C     |
> *            \         \   /         /
> *             \         \ /         /
> *              \         X         /
> *               \       / \       /
> *                \-----/   \-----/
> *
> *
> *Let's imagine for a second that you are a publisher and you have some
> auteurs in your data who haven't written any libres and a few libres
> *without auteurs (story ideas you haven't gotten someone to write, yet). 
> we can imagine that the left circle of AB represents all of the auteurs 
> your database and the right circle of BC represents your table of 
> you are ready to understand JOINs. The area B represents where *the two
> overlap (where libre.auteur=auteur.id)
> *
> *If you want to know all of the authors and the books they have written
> (ignoring those authors without books), you want to get those rows from
> *area B where the rows of auteurs matches those of libres.  This is when 
> use an INNER JOIN
> *
> *SELECT a.nom, a.prenom, l.titre
> *FROM auteurs a
> *INNER JOIN libres l
> *ON l.auter = a.id;
> Ok so INNER JOIN (B) is actually  A intersection of B  (in maths 
> and A and C are peripherals (outer)

No, LEFT CIRCLE (intersect) RIGHT CIRCLE defines the set that should be 
returned by an INNER JOIN. That would be just Area B. It's only going to 
return those rows from either table that match the ON condition(s).
> *If you want a list of all auteurs in your system, regardless of whether
> they have written a libre or not, that would be represented by the area
> *covered by AB (the whole circle).:
> *SELECT a.nom, a.prenom, l.titre
> *FROM auteurs a
> *LEFT JOIN libres l
> *  ON l.auter = a.id;
> Hence RIGHT JOIN is C   ??

Almost... It's my fault for rushing through this. a LEFT JOIN is:

That means that all of A and just that part of BC that matches the ON 
condition(s) (the area defined by B) will appear in the results. LEFT and 
RIGHT refer to which table's data is considered non-optional. If a query 
contained the following clause

FROM `employees` LEFT JOIN `managers` on `managers`.`emp_id` = 

The table `employees` is on the LEFT side of the LEFT join with means that 
all of that table has the potential to be in the final results. The 
information that comes from the table `managers` may or may not have 
matches with every row of `employees` so for those rows where they do not 
match, there will be a NULL value in every column of the `managers` table 
where there would have been a gap.

If `employees represents` the LEFT CIRCLE (areas A and B) and `managers` 
represents the RIGHT CIRCLE (areas C and B) then a LEFT JOIN would return 
all of the LEFT CIRCLE (areas A and B) plus that part of RIGHT CIRCLE 
where it overlaps (area B). Because some part of `managers` matches some 
part of `employees` there will be some part of that table available to 
your query. NULL values fill in for all unmatched rows.

A RIGHT JOIN just reverses which table is considered as non-optional. 
Based on this clause

FROM employees RIGHT JOIN managers on managers.emp_id = employees.id

You end up with all of the RIGHT CIRCLE(areas B and C) being part of the 
potential results, not just C. Only those rows from the LEFT CIRCLE that 
fall in area B could appear in the results. Make better sense?

> *The LEFT part of the LEFT JOIN indicates that the entire table on the 
> of the predicate is to be returned. In this case the table auteurs is 
> the left of the predicate so all of the rows from that table will be 
part of
> the result even if there aren't any rows in libres that match.
> *To view it  the other way, to list all of the libres records without
> regards to if they have auter or not we can use the SAME query with one
> small *change.
> *SELECT a.nom, a.prenom, l.titre
> *FROM auteurs a
> *RIGHT JOIN libres l
> *  ON l.auter = a.id;
> *See the difference? Now, a special type of query would be to identify 
> of the rows in one table that do not match any rows in the other.  This
> *would be what kind of query  you would need to run if you wanted to 
> auteurs without libres (or vice versa).
> *FROM auteurs a
> *LEFT JOIN libres l
> *  ON a.id = l.auteur
> *WHERE l.id IS NULL;           OK I see it's clear -->   select auteurs 
> don't have any reference in livres.
> *I am sure you are thinking "The ID field of my libres table could never 
> NULL. He must be crazy". It's the design behavior of the outer joins to
> *return NULLS for EVERY COLUMN in the "other" table if the ON condition 
> not met. In this case, you would only see values for the columns *that 
> from libres if the tables actually matched up. Wherever they don't, you 
> see all NULLs.
> *There are other much more detailed explanations about this on the web 
but I
> hope this can gets you started.
> A lot yes.  Translated it gives
> LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN are sets with nothing in common where INNER 
> the intersection of the two so, what is common to the two sets. Any
> condition tying part or all of the two sets create a more or less big
> intersection. We then choose to see one or the other part of the 
> (A,B,C or any subset or part of them).

Almost. When you JOIN tables, you are (horizontally) adding all of the 
columns of all tables being joined into what is a new composite table. 
This composite's existence is normally hidden from the user. Imagine two 
tables, TableA and TableB. TableB contains information that can exist in a 
one-to-many relationship with the items of TableA (TableA is authors and 
TableB is books, for example). TableA has columns a1, a2, a3, and id. 
TableB has columns b1, b2, b3, id, and a_id. If I did the following query:

        ON TableB.A_ID = TableA.ID

I would get the following columns in my output which represent all of the 
columns and all of the rows of the intermediate composite table:
a1, a2, a3, id, b1, b2, b3, id, a_id

It doesn't matter if I had used an INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, or CROSS join, the 
same arrangement of columns will exist in some internal table at some 
point in time during the execution of the query. 

It's the SELECT clause that determines which columns (or combinations of 
columns) from the composite table will appear in the final results. It's 
the ON clause (along with the INNER, LEFT, or RIGHT modifier) that 
determines which rows from which source tables end up in this intermediate 
table. It's the WHERE clause that determines which rows make it out of 
this intermediate table into the final query.

In order to compute the intermediate table, each row on the left side of 
the predicate is evaluated in combination with each and every row from the 
right side of the predicate.  If the ON clause is missing, or is always 
true, what results is called a Cartesian product of the two data sets: 
each row of TableA will be paired with every row of TableB. If TableA had 
5 rows and TableB had 3 rows, the intermediate table will have 15 rows in 

If an ON clause exists, all row combinations are evaluated against its 
conditions. Whether a row makes it into the intermediate table depends on 
the directionality of the predicate (INNER, LEFT, or RIGHT) and whether 
the row combination meets the ON conditions or not. 

That means that MySQL supports the means to determine what rows are in 
each area of our diagram based on the direction of the join (INNER, LEFT, 
or RIGHT), the conditions declared in the ON clause, and any filtering of 
the results based on the WHERE conditions.

> Correct me if I'm wrong.
> Now UNION is sort of equivalent to GROUP BY or even WITH ROLLUP isn't it 

I don't think you have that quite right. GROUP BY does summations based on 
the occurrence of common values within certain columns. WITH ROLLUP takes 
the results of a GROUP BY and re-summarizes based on the columns defining 
the original summations. Let's straighten out your understanding of JOINs 
before we delve into GROUP BY and WITH ROLLUP much further, ok?

UNION linearly (vertically) combines the results of two or more complete 
queries. The default behavior of a UNION is to filter out duplicate rows 
but that can be turned off.

> Sandy, learning fast with skilfull teacher

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

PS. Please don't forget to CC the list...

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