Mark Phillips wrote:

This is what I got:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ aliases
bash: aliases: command not found

Your shell is bash, so the correct command is `alias`.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ which mysql

Since you are using bash, it's a better idea to use `type` instead of `which`. On some systems (Solaris 7, for example), `which` can give bogus results in bash. So, try

  type mysql

bash: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games: No such file or directory [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$

Something is wrong with mark's PATH.  See the error at the end?

I don't have a command 'aliases', but the other tests seem to say all I have is mysql running as mysql.

When I am logged in as 'emily' I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mark$ which mysql

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mark$ echo $PATH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mark$ Any other thoughts? The error message from mysql when I try to log in is strange. Why all the spaces?

mysql: unknown option '--user           mark'

I don't believe that error came from mysql. Indeed, mysql doesn't care which unix user runs it, it only cares which mysql user you say you are. Because it works as expected when Emily runs it, I don't believe mysql is the problem. I believe David is correct that there is something in mark's environment that is causing the problem. Check the output of `alias` and `type mysql`, and check mark's .my.cnf file, if he has one.




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