"Burke, Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/18/2006 02:05:24 PM:

> I tried using prepared statements to make a procedure that converts
> every table in a schema from ARCHIVE to MyISAM (there's about three
> dozen archive tables here).  But for some odd reason it will give an
> error after doing the first table, and abort.  The really odd thing is
> that the table it gives the error on does successfully get converted.
> Any thoughts?  Is there a better way to do this?  Or am I just doing
> something stupid?
> This is the error directly below... and the full procedure below that.
> ERROR 7 (HY000): Error on rename of './CANN_ARCH/#sql-27b4_275.ARN' to
> './CANN_ARCH/WEBLOG_2004.ARN' (Errcode: 2)
> drop procedure if exists CONVERT_TABLES;
> delimiter //
> create procedure CONVERT_TABLES()
> begin
>         DECLARE t char(255);
>         DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0;
>         DECLARE cur1 CURSOR for SELECT TABLE_NAME from
> information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'ARCH_TABLES' and ENGINE
> = 'MyISAM';
>         OPEN cur1;
>         REPEAT
>                 FETCH cur1 INTO t;
>                 IF NOT done THEN
>                         set @x = CONCAT('alter table ', t, ' engine =
> myisam');
>                         prepare z from @x;
>                         execute z;
>                         deallocate prepare z;
>                 END IF;
>         UNTIL done END REPEAT;
>         CLOSE cur1;
> END; //
> delimiter ;

Maybe you described it backwards?  According to your cursor definition, 
you are looking for tables of type MyISAM. Perhaps your cursor should be 
looking for ENGINE='Archive' ?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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