Hello, everybody. As some of you may be aware, I will be doing a presentation 
along with David Axmark on replication at  O'Reilly Open Source Convention on 
July 25, 2001. And I could use your help to prepare.

What would be really helpful if you, guys, who are using replication on a 
more or less decent scale in production could share the following ( note - I 
know you guys are just as busy as I am, so I am making it easy for you to 
answer quickly, if you take trouble to answer):

* Your name

* Your company name/website

* Can I use this info publically?

* If not, can I share it in public without name the company and the 

* Describe your setup in a paragraph

* What is your typical load ( in queries per second) on the master(s)?

* Typical load ( in queries per second) on the slave(s)?

* Approximate read/write ratio in your application(s)

* On the scale of 1-10, 1 being really unstable, and 10 being rock-solid, 
rate the stability of MySQL internal replication on your system

* Have experienced problems with replication that was not caused by a user 
error or using an old version with the problem solving itself by upgrade? If 
yes, describe.

* Have you experienced a problem with replication that was technically a user 
error, but because of counter-intuitive interface, poor documentation, or 
obscure/absent error message an experienced user is likely to hit and take a 
long time to resolve it in your opinion?

* What is your wishlist for further replication development, in order of 

* What is your overall feeing about the quality of internal replication 
feature in MySQL?

* Would you recommend others to use internal MySQL replication in production?

Send your comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do not mind if you CC to some public 
list, including this one even if your comments are negative. 

We may pick your example as a case study for the presentation, in which case 
we will contact you and ask your official permission.

MySQL Development Team
   __  ___     ___ ____  __ 
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sasha Pachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, http://www.mysql.com/
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Provo, Utah, USA

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