MySQL List,

With the off list help of a member of this community, I have solved the issue of accessing my database data from within PHP. It was an issue related to PHP's register_globals setting.

However, the encoding issue remains. I've taken the text that pertains only to that, and reproduced it here in hopes that someone can give me some advice which will enable me to transport my utf8 encoded data from my hosting service to my home machine.

I can take the .sql file that I have exported from my hosting service, open it in OpenOffice Write as a text encoded file, and verify that it is encoded in utf-8. Most of the Japanese text shows up readable. Some of it, however, shows up as coded numbers (I'm not sure what the term is when utf displays this way): メーン・

When I import the .sql file into MySQL, I can look at it in phpMyAdmin and see that the text that displayed correctly as Japanese in OpenOffice still displays correctly as Japanese. The text that was in number form is also still in number form when viewed through phpMyAdmin. In short, phpMyAdmin sees it after import the same way that OpenOffice did before import.

But, then when I view a PHP file in FireFox, and it accesses the database that way, the situation changes. The text that is encoded as numbers displays as correct Japanese. The text that displays as actual Japanese text in OpenOffice and phpMyAdmin now displays as quesiton marks.

Again, just to be clear, all Japanese characters and all database data display correctly when viewed from the hosting service.

   I hope someone can shed some light on this.

   Thank you.

Dave M G

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