A couple of days ago, I decided to be brave (or crazy :-) and upgrade
my Ubuntu "Breezy" install to "Dapper". It was really remarkably
uneventful, I've just got a couple of rough edges to sort out.

One is that dspam (3.4.9 built by me some months ago) can no longer
connect to mysql when I reboot the machine. The problem appears to be
permissions related. On boot, /var/run/mysqld is owned by mysql and in
the root group with 770 permissions. That means that dspam can't open
/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock to connect to the database.

I've been fixing the problem with

  chgrp mysql /var/run/mysqld
  chmod 775 /var/run/mysqld

but (1) is that the safe and correct thing to do and (2) if it is, how
can I get mysql to do that by default when it starts?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | We have fewer friends than we imagine,
http://nwalsh.com/            | but more than we know.--Hugo Von
                              | Hofmannsthal

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