"Robert DiFalco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/09/2006 12:32:44 PM:

> I have some questions regarding InnoDB indices.
> Say I have a table with millions of records. On of the fields is a type
> field that has a possible value of 1,2,3, or 4. I sometimes query by the
> type field and may at other times order on it.
> Do queries benefit from an index with this low of a selectivity?
> If through the query browser I find that they do, should I increase the
> selectivity of the index by making it a compound index and adding my
> Primary Key to the TYPE index?
> If I make it a compound index, does it have any positive impact on
> INSERT, UPDATE, or maybe just DELETE?
> R.

Hi Robert,

I assume you have already read through the entire optimization section in 
the manual:
(as appropriate)

as this entire chapter deals with the finer details of the questions you 
are asking. So I will try to just answer you in the general sense so that 
perhaps you can make better sense of what you already read.

One of the most frequent bottlenecks to query performance is related to 
physically retrieving data from the hard disks. Indexes, though very 
useful, actually slow down performance if you need to pull more than about 
1/3 of any table's rows off of the disks. Columns of data not already 
included in the indexes themselves must be retrieved from the disk before 
their values can be used as part of a result or a part of a comparison or 
as part of a formula.  What happens to the performance is that it begins 
to take longer (mostly due to the random access disk seek operations) to 
pick lots of individual records (based on an index hit) that it would have 
taken if you had just found the beginning of the table data and streamed 
the whole table through memory in one big burst of data.

Now, because the indexes to a table are loaded into memory before query 
evaluation the optimizer can estimate how many rows of a table it would 
find if it used one index over another (and starting with 5.0 how many it 
would find based on certain combinations of indexes). If all of the data 
you need from a table is actually part of an index then the entire "read 
data from disk" portion of the query can also be skipped (under the right 
conditions). So having what is known as a "covering index" (a multi-column 
index where some of the right-most columns are listed mostly to avoid 
actual table reads) can seriously improve the performance of certain 
queries while providing a "normal" boost to the performance of a bunch of 

How you execute your queries should not matter. By the time the database 
server sees it, one query looks just like every other. So I don't see how 
running a query in the Query Browser would be any faster than if you had 
issued the same query from the CLI or via any of the other connection 

Declaring compound indexes make sense if your query patterns frequently 
use those columns or if you are trying to create a covering index. 
Improving the cardinality of any index can only help its performance.

The up-side to indexes (keys) is that they improve the chances of quickly 
finding the data you are looking for thereby improving your overall query 
performance. The down-side is that the addition of every new record has to 
create the appropriate additions to every index on the table. The same 
goes for UPDATES and DELETES. You have to benchmark your performance in 
your environment to figure out when enough indexes becomes too many for 
your comfort. Each new index also takes up space in memory and room on the 
disk so too many indexes can starve your system for resources, too.

Like I said above, these are just some general guidelines. The nitty 
gritty can be found in the manual.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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