Please  explain  to  me how mysqld's "key buffer" uses memory under Linux
(kernel 2.4, glibc 2.3, mysql 4.1).

I'd  want  to  know  for  sure  if  every  mysqld thread  (forked upon an
incoming connection) uses its own memory for key buffer (key_buffer_size)
or key buffer is common for all mysql threads.

When `ps aux` shows the something like

root      2012  0.0  0.2  2712 1260 ?        S    Mar09   0:00 /bin/sh 
/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe ...
mysql     2062  0.0  3.4 33836 17756 ?       S    Mar09   0:02 mysqld ...
mysql     2063  0.0  3.4 33836 17756 ?       S    Mar09   0:02 mysqld ...
mysql     2064  0.0  3.4 33836 17756 ?       S    Mar09   0:00 mysqld ...
mysql    14596  0.0  3.4 33836 17756 ?       S    01:58   0:00 mysqld ...
mysql    14598  0.0  3.4 33836 17756 ?       S    01:58   0:00 mysqld ...
mysql    14599  0.0  3.4 33836 17756 ?       S    01:59   0:00 mysqld ...

does  it  mean  that every thread allocates its own megs of memory?  What
will  happen  if there will be VERY many connections?  Will "key buffers"
eat  all the memory quickly as the number of connections will grow,  or I
misunderstand  `ps`  output and probably anything else?  Do I have to set
"key_buffer_size"  to  a pretty small value if I expect many simultaneous

Denis Solovyov

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