Let me say some thoughts...
First *fbsd_user* said that he has *100 input fields plus 40 different drop
And everybody is arguing that they prefer "*one single insert*".

Is it just me... or are you thinking at a table with 140 columns ?
Thinking at such a monster... all the above discussion is ok !

But who does a table with 140 columns...
It's not good practice... it's no good at all...

If we're not working with a monster like that... all discusion falls down...
On the other hand if I have to insert all that info... in let's say... I
don't know... 10 tables... what's the point of using "*one single insert*"
how ca one use a "one single insert" to put data in 10 tables ?

So... the design of the application follows in at least 50% of the cases the
design of the DATABASE !

Give us a little more details about your database !

Gabriel PREDA
Senior Web Developer

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