Gregory Machin wrote:
I have the following table

| bid_id | dealer_id | auto_dealer_id | auto_id | bid_amount | timestamp |
Bid_Status |
|       1 |            3 |                     3 |        12 |         20000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       2 |            3 |                     3 |        12 |         30000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       3 |          24 |                     3 |        12 |         40000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       4 |          24 |                     3 |        12 |         50000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       5 |          24 |                     3 |        12 |         60000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       6 |            3 |                   24 |        14 |         40000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       7 |            3 |                     3 |        13 |         40000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       8 |          24 |                     3 |         12 |        70000
|         NULL |              1 |
|       9 |          24 |                     3 |        13 |         59000
|         NULL |              1 |
|     10 |          24 |                     3 |        12 |         80000
|         NULL |              1 |
|     11 |          24 |                     3 |        13 |         60000
|         NULL |              1 |

where auto_dealer_id is the dealer who put the car on auction ,
auto_id is the id of the car on auction,
bid_amount is the amount did on the car but dealer_id

what I want is to get the max bid placed for each car and the dealer_id who
placed it.
I currnetly have the following:
mysql> SELECT dealer_id, auto_id, bid_id ,MAX(bid_amount) AS 'bid_amount'
FROM bids  WHERE auto_dealer_id = '3' AND Bid_Status = '1' GROUP BY auto_id;
| dealer_id | auto_id | bid_id | bid_amount |
|         3 |      12 |      1 |      80000 |
|         3 |      13 |      7 |      60000 |

But this output is wrong because if you refer to the source table above the
dealer_id should be 24 in both cases..
What have I missed ?

Many Thanks
Gregory Machin

GROUP BY does not return rows. It returns group names and aggregate stats. You are grouping on auto_id, so you get random (actually, the first found) values for dealer_id and bid_id for each group. Many systems wouldn't even allow this query. Mysql does allow you to select columns not present in the GROUP BY clause as a convenience, but you are warned only to use columns with unique values per group <>.

Yours is a FAQ, however, with 3 solutions in the manual <>.


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