Gregory Machin wrote:
Ok I tried the following
SELECT dealer_id, auto_id, bid_amount FROM bids WHERE bid_amount=(SELECT
MAX(bid_amount) FROM bids WHERE auto_dealer_id='3');
which gives
| dealer_id | auto_id | bid_amount |
|         3 |      12 |      90000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

wich is the max bid overall, what I want is the max bid for each auto_id ...

No, it's the max bid received by auto_dealer number 3. It's a coincidence if that's also the max bid overall.

How would I go about this ?

By following the example in the link I sent.

  SELECT dealer_id, auto_id, bid_amount
  FROM bids b1
  WHERE bid_amount=(SELECT MAX(b2.bid_amount)
                    FROM bids b2
                    WHERE b1.auto_id = b2.auto_id);

You see? Rows are selected if they have the max bid of all rows with the same auto_id.

You keep saying you want the max bid per auto_id, but your examples always include restrictions on auto_dealer_id. That's fine, but it's a separate issue. You can just add any additional restrictions to the main query's WHERE clause:

  SELECT dealer_id, auto_id, bid_amount
  FROM bids b1
  WHERE bid_amount=(SELECT MAX(b2.bid_amount)
                    FROM bids b2
                    WHERE b1.auto_id = b2.auto_id)
    AND auto_dealer_id = '3' AND Bid_Status = '1';


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