Thanks, Jeremy,

Best answer I've seen yet - and I've searched a lot of docs! - but, naturally 
it raises other questions <grin />.

If I don't need to upgrade the PHP engine, is there some extension dll that I 
should seek?  For instance, to use Apache 2.x with PHP, we need to use the 
php4apache2.dll.  Is there an equivalent for MySQL?  As mentioned, I need to 
stick with the configuration the server will have, but, unfortunately, I don't 
get to see just what they have set up, and I can't access the core MySQL tables 
to see what they might have done there, nor the libraries set for PHP - unless 
they show in PHPInfo.

Too many times have I seen perfect products on a developer's box crater when 
placed on the server, and I'd sorta kinda like to avoid that, ya know?  Getting 
kinda close to the wire on this project, and while progressing on the 
reasonable expectation that local issues won't affect code placed on the 
server, there's always that niggling little doubt <groan />.

Anyway, thanks for the response.  It makes sense to me - sometimes a difficult 
thing <grin /> - and gives me a new direction to search ... after a few "Why 
didn't I think of that?" head smacks <chortle />.

Make a good day ...
                                ... barn

> Barney

> Dumb question, but is this in response to the error message you got
> where  at the end of the error it asks you to "update your client
> program"? If so it is referring to the PHP code not the actual
> PHP/MYSQL/APACHE programs..... you need to update your PHP code to work
> with the updated MYSQL authentication method.
> Hope this helps....even a little.

> Regards
> Jeremy


> barney wrote:
> > Folk,
> >
> > Just installed MySQL 4.1.14 on a new Windows XP Pro system - this is a 
> > development system, no domain.  Also installed PHP 4.3.11 and Apache 2.0.55 
> >  so now I have WAMP, right?  Apache works fine as the web server; PHP works 
> > fine, as well.
> > As soon as I tried to access databases created with MySQL 3.23.x, I got the 
> > "Client does not support authentication ..." error.
> >
> > I finally corrected by updating the 'user' table with the OLD_PASSWORD() 
> > function, and was able to access the databases.  Using old_password() in 
> > the config file did not work.
> >
> > My question(s) follow.
> >
> > Since this is a new install, why is the client still 3.23.49?  This was a 
> > virgin disk as far as Apache, MySQL & PHP were concerned.  Previous 
> > experience has shown that I can uninstall MySQL and reinstall and still 
> > have the same client version.  That's why I did the 'wipe disk, reinstall 
> > XP, reinstall everything else' bit.
> >
> > Where can I find a later version of the client?  I've searched the web docs 
> > 'til I'm cross-eyed, but every time I've found any reference to a later 
> > client, the discussion has immediately advanced to C jargon and compiler 
> > issues.  I'm not C/C++ capable - I can hold my own with VB and some 
> > scripting languages, but C is a bit esoteric for me - comprehension 
> > problem, I guess.
> >
> > Mostly, why does this error occur on a fresh install?  The databases I 
> > accessed know nothing of authentication - haven't been developed to that 
> > point.  Yeah, I know ... it's a Windows system.  But I don't buy that one, 
> > not in this instance.  Maybe because the current default table format is 
> > InnoDB and the old format was MyISAM?
> >
> > Upgrade to PHP 5.x - I've seen references to that curing the problem - is 
> > not an option.  I need to have the same configuration as exists on the 
> > server that will be used once development is done.
> >
> > One last question ... what happens when I build new databases/tables?  Or 
> > assign database users for upkeep, maintenance, replication, whatever?  
> > Which password format will be used then?
> >
> > I'd appreciate any help ... or even conjecture, at this point <chortle />.
> >
> > Make a good day ...
> >                              ... barn
> >
> >
> >
> >

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