It is not possible to make specific suggestions based on the information you've provided. The list would need to know the nature and platform of your application, the amount and type of the traffic you see, your current mysql vs. apache load (like queries, requests per sec), current server config, what you mean by "choking", etc. But there are always some general rules that apply, some of which have been mentioned...

I'll second the recommendation for the book "High Performance MySQL" by Zawodny. It will answer many of your questions and help guide you through this process. We have two sample chapters from the book -- Replication and Server Performance Tuning on our Developer Zone. We also have several other great articles on performance tuning in our articles section:

I'd also like to recommend our Consulting (Professional Services) folks, led by Josh Chamas. You can get any kind of consulting gig, big or small, for a very fair price -- it will save you money. These guys are absolutely top notch and among the best in the business when it comes to scale-out -- they do regular consulting for very well known, high traffic sites I'm not allowed to mention. See

Some general principles I go by:

- If you can, always separate http and MySQL (as in your option 2).
- If you are read heavy as you say (and who isn't?), spread that load over one or more mysql slaves. You don't mention replication. Why not use it? - People tend to assume that there is nothing wrong with their application, but everything wrong with their hardware or software. The -first- place I look is in the slow query log, because for web applications usually built by non-DBAs, that is so often the biggest bang for your buck. Sometimes 20 minutes using explain to make sure you have the right indexes in place and are not doing sub-optimal joins can give you a 20-30% increase in application performance. Next I spend some time in my.cnf making sure that MySQL server is making the best use of memory.

If you give us more details I think we can probably give more specific advice on what sort of architecture might be an appropriate fit.

Eric Braswell
Web Manager     MySQL AB
Cupertino, USA

Elias wrote:
We are currently building a webfarm to replace our all in one box solution. We 
are experiencing problems when we get linked to a site like the drudgereport 
and we are seeing 1000's of hits a minute. Both apache and mysql start chocking 
and we get dropped because we cant deliver content. I am trying to understand 
what is the best way to redeploy our Mysql.

I am thinking of two possible designs, if feasible. The clients are read only 
there is no inserting or deleting. The database is updated nightly from a 
single source.

Fig 1
                                                |     http            |
                                                |    Mysql          |
                                                |     http            |
_______      _____________       |    Mysql          |         _____________
|  PIX     |     | Load Balance |      |_____________|         |                
|            | ---|                      |------  _____________  -------|    
SAN           |
|_______|    |____________ |       |     http            |         
|____________ |
                                                |    Mysql          |
                                                |     http            |
                                                |    Mysql          |

In Fig 1 I am thinking that each server runs both apache and the mysql engine 
and the database files will live on the SAN. Is this possible? can multiple 
engines talk to one database file on the SAN?

Fig 2
                                                |     http            |
                                                |                       |
                                                |     http            |
_______      _____________       |                       |         
_____________     ______________
|  PIX     |     | Load Balance |      |_____________|         |                
      |     |                       |
|            | ---|                      |------  _____________  -------|    
Mysql         |---- |    SAN            |
|_______|    |____________ |       |     http            |         
|____________ |    |_____________ |
                                                |                       |
In fig 2 the 3 apache servers would query the single myql server.

All the data and scripts would live on the SAN. Or would it be better and 
faster to have the data live on the mysql server and the scripts live on the 

We are going to deploy HP proliant ml 585 with quad AMD 2.2 Opterons with 12 
gigs of ram. With that in mind how many mysql sessions can I be able to support?

Any suggestions, comments, thoughts of clarity would be greatly appreciated.

Regards to all,

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