Never used it, but this might help:
James Harvard

At 5:00 pm -0700 19/4/06, Robinson, Eric wrote:
>I have master-slave replication working fine. However, I worry about the 
>possibility of the master and slave accidentally getting out of 
>synchronization. Are there circumstances (other than a direct INSERT to the 
>slave) that could cause the master and slave to be out of sync? Is there a way 
>to periodically do some kind of full check to verify that the slave is an 
>exact duplicate of the master? I thought of just counting the rows in all the 
>tables on both servers, but that only tells part of the story. Is the a more 
>elegant and complete way? Also, the servers are separated by a slow WAN link, 
>so transferring the whole database across the network is not an option.

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