Hi everyone,

My name is Matthew Zito, and I'm the Chief Scientist for a company called 
GridApp Systems based here in New York City.  We're currently looking at 
extending our database automation software to MySQL, and rather than assume 
that MySQL users are facing the same challenges as Oracle and SQL Server users 
(our current major supported database platforms), I thought that perhaps we 
could solicit opinions from the community - give people a chance to be heard on 
what is important to them.

What you'd have to do:  First, email me privately/OFF-LIST and let me know 
you'd like to get involved.  Then answer a few free-form questions over email 
at your leisure - shouldn't take more than 15 minutes.  Possibly respond to 
followup questions (if you're willing).

What you'd get: The chance to have a serious influence on the development of a 
product that you could eventually find very useful.  Also, if I don't get 
overwhelmed with responses, I can probably finagle some GridApp schwag - maybe 
a frisbee or shirt for people who contribute thoughtful responses.  Heck, if 
you're interested, we can probably even finagle giving a few people early peeks 
at whatever we put together.  Plus you'd get the warm fuzzies for being so 

What I can promise for sure is that everyone's information will remain 
confidential, no one will ever contact you (except for me with more questions), 
and that this is the only time you'll see me make this request.  Hopefully, 
people who have been thinking about their MySQL headaches will be gracious 
enough to email me and answer a few questions.

Thanks for your time,

Matthew Zito
Chief Scientist
GridApp Systems
P: 646-452-4090

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