Alex, as Miles noted, this could easily be accomplished with an external cron event. Doesn't have to be written in an external language like PHP or perl, even - could be a self-contained crontab entry a la:

0,30 * * * * /path/to/mysql -u user -psecret database_name -e "update table_name set gold = gold + 1" > /dev/null

To accomplish this within MySQL, one option might be 5.1's events:

Hope this helps,

Alex Major wrote:
Hi there. I've posted this up on both this list, and the php list as I'm not sure
whether this is something that I'd need to do with the php or mysql.

Basically, I am making an add-on to my small website which is a mini online
game. Every user will have gold, and every 30mins I'd like their amount of
gold to go up by 1 (or say a variable say $goldupdateamount).

I'd like to know which would be the best way of doing this, and if there is
a command in mysql which would achieve this.

Regards, Alex.

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