On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 13:32 -0400, Jesse wrote:
> > Um, did anyone actually answer Jesse's question?
> The consensus seems to be that the correct way to pronounce it is My S-Q-L, 
> Not My Sequel.  So, that's the way I'm going to pronounce it.  Actually, 
> most of the people I say the name to have no idea what I'm talking about 
> anyway.  I only rarely have vocal communication with someone who would even 
> know what a database is, let alone what MySQL is.  So, I guess in the long 
> run, it doesn't really matter, but just for those rare occassions when I'm 
> talking with someone who knows what it is, I want to pronounce it right. 
> Most of my technical conversations occur through e-mail or newsgroups like 
> this one, in which I spell it MySQL, and the way it's pronounced doesn't 
> matter. :-)

According to the manual

"The official way to pronounce “MySQL” is “My Ess Que Ell” (not “my
sequel”), but we don't mind if you pronounce it as “my sequel” or in
some other localized way."
Check out the Dallas Music Wiki http://digitaldarkness.com

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