I am working on a script that looks at the MySQL Table, checks to see if there 
are any matches, and if there are, alter the table to add the requested 
information.  Here is the code I am using:

$query = "ALTER profile (acct_type, username, firstname, lastname, email, 
addr1, city, state, zip, nude, artistic, model_look, about_you, why_model, 
genre) VALUES ('$at', '$un', '$fn', '$ln', '$e', '$ad1', '$c', '$st', '$zc', 
'$nd', '$art', '$ml', '$ay', '$wm', '$g')";

What am I doing wrong?  The error comes back saying that this is where the 
problem is, and I have changed it from UPDATE to ALTER because I was trying to 
get the information to be added to the table of an already registered user.


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