On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 10:20:47AM -0600, Michael Loftis wrote:
> One other quick ? -- Are you using a 64 bit (x86_64/EMT64) or 32-bit?  If 
> you're still in 32-bit mode the extra memory over 4Gb can actually slow the 
> system down since it has to page between memory zones.

It was choosen to run on i386 i.e. 32-bit mode for compatibility to Java
and other servers in the farm.

But as you can see not even the 3GB border is touched:

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
 5076 mysql     15   0 1434m 496m 4992 S 99.9  6.1  54931:46 mysqld            

But despite the 99% CPU, vmstat thinks the system is idle.

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in    cs us sy id wa
 1  0      0 2959212 139684 3831556    0    0     1     0    1     1  6 3 88  3
 0  0      0 2959584 139684 3830516    0    0     0     0 4785     0  7 4 89  0
 1  0      0 2959212 139692 3831548    0    0     0   100 3453     0  7 4 89  0
 6  0      0 2957104 139700 3830760    0    0     8     0 3696     0  7 5 87  0
 2  0      0 2958592 139700 3831020    0    0    32     0 4230     0  7 5 88  0
 1  0      0 2958220 139712 3830748    0    0     0   596 3904     0  8 5 87  0



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