At first - do not write anything on the corrupted disk until You have finished rescuing data. As I understad the crash is connected to HW or filesystem (FS) failure (HDD). In that case try to use fsck to repair FS (if it is regular linux FS, like ext2 or ext3, for xfs there were some other utils), do not use myisamchk at first. If Your data is really valuable I would recommend bit-by-bit copy of disk content to similar disk using dd, then try to restore data on that disk (the copy). If You make some mistakes or something goes wrong (on copy), You will still have source disk to start over again (with bit by bit copy). After You have done rescuing FS, use myisamchk on rescued tables.


Karel W. Dingeldey wrote:

yesterday my server crashed. The harddisk got corrupted, including some MySQL table files. So MySQL can't see some of its tables, although the table files are visible on the filesystem. Is it possible to repair the files? It's a MySQL 4.1 (Debian Sarge). From one table I only have the MYD file. The documentation says, that this is the file with the data in it. I hope it's possible to reconstruct this table, too?!

Karel W. Dingeldey

PS: I already tried with "myisamchk -r -o *.MY*", but then all datasets are gone and the table is empty. :-(

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