
what does SHOW TABLE STATUS show for other tables?

Are you using innodb_file_per_table?

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Oracle Corp./Innobase Oy
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InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up MyISAM tables

I recently deleted about 7.000.000 rows from a table, there are about
4.000.000 left.
So I want to know how much space is free in table space now and execute:

mysql> show table status like "table"\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
            Name: table
          Engine: InnoDB
         Version: 10
      Row_format: Compact
            Rows: 4354196
  Avg_row_length: 210
     Data_length: 917536768
Max_data_length: 0
    Index_length: 2294349824
       Data_free: 0
  Auto_increment: 35040856
     Create_time: 2006-10-12 10:29:36
     Update_time: NULL
      Check_time: NULL
       Collation: latin1_german1_ci
        Checksum: NULL
         Comment: InnoDB free: 6144 kB; InnoDB free: 1762304 kB
1 row in set (0,26 sec)

Why does it show two values for InnoDB free? Which one is correct?

I use MySQL 5.0.21


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