today I've experienced a problem that I don't understand and I can't solve!

I've created a table as follows:
CREATE TABLE `ft_test` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`field1` varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
`field2` varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
`field3` text NOT NULL,
FULLTEXT KEY `field1` (`field1`),
FULLTEXT KEY `field2` (`field2`),
FULLTEXT KEY `field3` (`field3`),
FULLTEXT KEY `f1d2` (`field1`,`field2`)

and then I've filled this table with the following statement:
insert into ft_test (field1,field2,field3)
VALUES('mysql full text', 'this is a test', 'mysql fulltext');

the problem is that when I execute this query I always get 0 as relevance:
select *, match(field1) against('mysql') as relevancy from ft_test;
id field1 field2 field3 relevancy
------ --------------- -------------- -------------- ---------
1 mysql full text this is a test mysql fulltext 0

I expected a value for relevancy! shouldn't I?
I tested with all other words and combination of fulltext index:
select *, match(field2) against('mysql') as relevancy from ft_test;
select *, match(field3) against('mysql') as relevancy from ft_test;
select *, match(field3) against('fulltext') as relevancy from ft_test;

but I always get 0!

This is a "show variables" of my mysql server
Variable_name Value
------------------------ --------------
version 5.0.18-nt
ft_boolean_syntax + -><()~*:""&|
ft_max_word_len 84
ft_min_word_len 4
ft_query_expansion_limit 20
ft_stopword_file (built-in)

Any advice?


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