I mysqldump'd a dbase, created a new empty dbase by another name, then injected 
the old dbase into the new. They both exist. I then dumped out all the prods 
and categories from the new dbase and created new cats. However, when I surf to 
my TTW interface to add new prods, the *old* cats show up! When I enter a new 
prod into the dbase via MySQL with a new cat (bedding), it show up in the TTW. 
When I enter a new prod into the new dbase with an old cat (bracelets) through 
the TTW, it shows up in MySQL! What's going on here!!
mysql> select * from products;
| sku     | description            | price  | category  | options | name        
 | available | photo | photo_type | photo_thumb | photo_thumb_type | 
sort_factor |
| testSKU | This is a test product | 120.99 | bedding   |         | Test 
Product |         1 |       |            |             |                  | 999 
| junk    | this is junk desc      |  10.00 | bracelets |         | this is 
junk |         1 |       | octe       |             | octe             | 0001   
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from categories;
| oid | name                     | description                           | 
parent_id |
|   1 | accessories              | The accessories products              |      
   0 |
|   2 | appliances               | The appliances products               |      
   0 |
|   3 | bedding                  | The bedding products                  |      
   0 |
|   4 | bedroom                  | The bedroom products                  |      
   0 |
|   5 | carpet                   | The carpet products                   |      
   0 |
|   6 | coin-op_commercial       | The coin-operated commercial products |      
   0 |
|   7 | commercial               | The commercial products               |      
   0 |
|   8 | dining_room              | The dining room products              |      
   0 |
|   9 | furniture                | The furniture products                |      
   0 |
|  10 | home_office              | The home office products              |      
   0 |
|  11 | living_room              | The living room products              |      
   0 |
|  12 | multi-housing_commercial | The multi-housing commercial products |      
   0 |
|  13 | on-premisis_commercial   | The on-premisis commercial products   |      
   0 |
|  14 | residential_appliances   | The residential appliances products   |      
   0 |
14 rows in set (0.05 sec)
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