On 4/18/07, Tim Lucia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: John Comerford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:50 PM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Millisecond time stamp

Hi Folks,

I am putting together a table to hold log entries.  I was going to index
it on a field with a type of TimeStamp.  Unfortunately this will not
suit my needs because I could have more than one log entry per second.
As far as my (limited) knowledge goes I have two options to get around

A) One character string contain a string I build with the date and
milliseconds tagged onto the end
b) Two separate fields  Field1 TimeStamp  Field2 Milliseconds

WHY are you indexing the Timestamp?  It should not be your primary key
because, as you point out, it might allow duplicates.  Even case B is not
foolproof.  If you're indexing it for searching, then your application
should be prepared to handle multiple log records for any value.

For uniqueness, add an auto_increment primary key column.  That way, you can
tell two+ log records apart even when they have the same timestamp.



Dave Ashley's note:  Tim's solution is better than the one I proposed if
this is your only problem.  In my applications, typically the need for
unique identifiers comes up in may places, so I'm used to using that style
of solution.  However, adding an auto-increment primary key column will get
the same effect with a lot less work.  Also, it is probably more efficient
due to the absence of a spin-lock.

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